Discover How This Simple "10-Second Coffee Tweak"Has Changed
My Life Right After Watching The Presentation.

Linda Smith
Writer at the Healthy Tips Life, mother of 2, Grandma of 4, Living my best life ever.
Feb 5, 60 sec read

I have been through so many ups and downs in my 50 years.
The day I realized that my grandchildren could be growing up without me, I knew that I had to start working hard on myself towards a new and healthier life.
When my first grandchild was born, I was very excited. I was going to be the best grandmother in the world!

But there was a big problem. I was heavy, almost 280 and some days I couldn't find the energy to climb the stairs to my room.

I was definitely not the grandmother I thought I was going to be.
I went to the doctor and had many tests only to find out what was going on with me but it didn’t help.
I didn't know what to do.
They told me it was part of getting older. I was told to eat less and exercise more.
So I did what they told me, I followed a restricted meal plan. started doing more exercise. But the extra weight would not move.
I felt embarrassed, sad, and I started to feel depressed because no matter what I did, nothing seemed to work.
I thought I was going to be like this for the rest of my life!

That was until I ran into one of my old friends and told her everything that was going on.
"I want to see my grandchildren grow up, I am afraid of not being with them if I continue on this path."
That's when my friend told me about her morning routine which she had liked to call '10-Second Coffee Tweak'.

I had never heard of it and I was skeptical in the beginning.
I just wanted to know if it would help me to be around my grandkids!
I had wasted so much of my life believing the wrong things. Now I know that my weight gain had nothing to do with:
  • How much exercise or cardio I do.
  • ​ Restricted meal plans I go on.
  • Which of my favorite foods I am cutting out.
  • ​Not eating after a certain time.
  • ​Fasting
  • ​Genetics
  • ​Even aging process.
This '10 second coffee tweak changed everything for me.
  • My cravings disappeared.
  • I started to sleep well all night.
  • My obsession with the numbers on the scale stopped.
  • ​I started to feel my clothes loosen.
  • ​My daily headaches disappeared.
  • ​And I started eating all my favorite foods without a problem.
I had 2 choices and they were:
1. Wasting hours a day worrying about what food to eat and how much exercise to do for days.
2. Do this coffee tweak for 10 seconds a day.

Of course, I chose "2" and am passionate about sharing this 10-second coffee tweak today.

The fact is that this worked for me! And I'm 50!
Now I feel better and I want to do activities that I couldn't do before!

Today I can finally enjoy my time with my grandchildren. I can be there for them with all their high energy activities.
And I appreciate the hugs and kisses they give me, it feels amazing when I spend more time with them.

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